About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The American Journal of Combinatorics (AmJC) is a double-blind refereed diamond open access online journal. AmJC publishes research articles, notes, and surveys in all branches of combinatorics (MSC2020-Mathematics Subject Classification: 05-XX Combinatorics) as well as articles related to combinatorics. AmJC was established to support growing research on combinatorics all over the world and to create a free online research publishing platform that is accessible to all.
For submission instructions and information regarding the editorial process, go to submissions.
Publication Frequency
AmJC is an online journal which continuously publishes accepted manuscripts in one or more volumes each year.
Open Access Statement
AmJC is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from AmJC or the authors. Also there are no fees or article processing charges for the authors for publishing in AmJC.
Copyright Policy
The authors of a published article retain the copyright of the article which is released to AmJC under the CC BY 4.0 International License to publish it on the AmJC website. This copyright information is embedded on each published article.
Repository Policy
The authors of a published article can post the published version of the article anywhere, in particular, their institutional websites, ResearchGate, arXiv, Google Scholar. AmJC started preserving the journal in CLOCKSS via JASPER of DOAJ.
Publication Ethics
- All the editors and reviewers will treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential and will not disclose the content of submitted manuscripts to any third party.
- An editor will not take part in the editorial process of his/her own articles submitted to AmJC. The same applies to the articles submitted to AmJC by his/her departmental colleagues and relatives.
- If a manuscript published in AmJC is found to contain incorrect results or proofs, authors will be required to submit a corrigendum which will be reviewed and published.
- Any conflict of interest will be resolved by the Managing Editor or the Editor-in-Chief who may choose to form a committee of three independent scholars to resolve the conflict.
Publication Malpractice Statement
A submitted or published manuscript may be retracted if it violates any policy or ethics of AmJC. In particular, if the work was plagiarized or if it was partially published in another journal, the article will be retracted. Authors of a manuscript retracted by AmJC will be banned from publishing any manuscript in AmJC in the future.
Complaint Policy
If anybody has any complaint about any AmJC matter (for example, any violation of a policy or ethics of AmJC), they are encouraged to email the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor at editor@ajcombinatorics.org. An appropriate action will be taken by the Managing Editor or the Editor-in-Chief who may choose to form a committee of three independent scholars to resolve the issue.
Journal Ownership
AmJC is a scholar-run journal and owned by its editorial board. The publisher of AmJC is the American Journal of Combinatorics (AmJC) with the following postal address:
American Journal of Combinatorics
C/O Sudipta Mallik
Dept. of Math & Physics
Marshall University
1 John Marshall Drive
Huntington, West Virginia, USA 25755
Journal Maintenance
The Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor are responsible for the following:
- Proofreading (or overseeing it) of an accepted article before its publication.
- Updating the AmJC website regularly, especially after the publication of an article.
- Paying the cost of the domain, server, and maintenance of the AmJC website.
- Obtaining and maintaining the ISSN of AmJC.
- Communicating regarding any other matters such as journal indexing, resolving conflicts.
Advertising Policy
AmJC does not accept advertisements.
Revenue Sources
AmJC accepts grants and donations for the cost of journal maintenance.
Direct Marketing
AmJC uses the following OASPA guidelines: Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts, that are conducted on behalf of AmJC should be appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about AmJC should be truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.